Apr 07

So what’s the 411 behind the great brand City Threads? Inquiring minds wanted to know so we found out a little more about one of The Boy’s Store’s favorite brands. We love this great brand with its incredibly soft and comfortable apparel, that’s why you can find some of their best underwear lines available at The Boy’s Store, and guess what? We discovered they are even better than we thought! Big Brother Tee

The brand was created by a Husband and Wife team and they have been making spectacular clothes for kids for the past 10 years! City Threads told us they want to “design clothes that we think and hope kids will love.” City Threads started with small. It all began with the idea of putting names of cities on hoodies, tees, and hats. While they still do this their company is now so much more than just a few city names on tees, even if that was one of the inspirations behind their name, “our friend Aaron Cowan came up with the name and called us. We loved it!” Now 10 years later you can still order their city shirts but you can also find some incredible styles. Their 6 year old son even gets in on the designs, so you know their designs are kid-friendly! You can find big sister/big brother shirts; little sister/little brother shirts, rock and roll inspired tees, retro food tees, and super hero tees. While most of their great gear targets boys they are currently incorporating more girls’ styles. So no matter whom you are buying for, boy or girl you can check them out for some great looks, incredible comfort, and fun themes!Boxer Brief by City Threads

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