Jan 01

Dear Friends,

As the year is coming to an end I want to take the time to thank you for your business and friendship.

May the New Year bring you happiness, peace, and prosperity. Wishing you a joyous and fun-filled new year!

Best Wishes
The Boy’s Store

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Dec 26

We all do it. We buy things for our kids, nieces, nephews, and grand-kids knowing full well that they already have way too many toys at home. So how do we get their space organized after the holiday season? A toy purge. After the Holiday is the perfect time to go through old toys your kids have outgrown or no longer use, set them aside, clean them, and donate them to a child in need. This is not only a great way to get all those old toys out of the house and have the chance to see your kids floor again, it is also a great time to get them to help out someone in need.

Charity is important and while most parents try to teach their children the importance of giving back it can be difficult to incorporate into a routine. The holiday toy purge is a great way to start a tradition of giving back while also showing how to cut back. It does not have to only coincide with holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, or Birthdays it can also be done every couple of months in order to keep the house organized. Besides, kids in need will always need new toys and clothes.

Start with a pile system, things they have outgrown. This can include clothes, toys, and books. Does your child read at a 5th grade level now? Are they the youngest sibling? Then they probably do not need that picture book about cats and dogs. Put this in the outgrown pile. Same with toddler toys if you have a tween. Clothes of course are easy to see if you have outgrown them.

Next move on to things they haven’t played with recently. Have you seen it in the last 6 months? Has it been hiding in a toy bin or behind things in the closet? Ask your child how they use it? If they cannot give you a real life situation in which they have used that toy in the last 6 months then it is free game for some other little boy or girl that truly needs it.

Now you need to wash everything you have gathered. Clothes are easy, toss in a load or two and pack them for donating to a shelter, the Goodwill, The Salvation Army, or charity in your town. Toys should be in good working order. Charities do not have the time or resources to fix toys. If you can fix it then it will see much more use. Stuffed animals can usually be washed in the machine and tumbled on low; to prevent hurting them put them in a pillow case while drying them. Toys can be carefully washed with mild soap and warm water.

When you take all your donations in try and take your child with you. Let them carry in a box or bag. Let them see the happiness that the donation brings to the people at the charity. Help them to understand that someone will now have a great day because of the things they brought. You may just find they are more eager to do this again the next time.

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Dec 25

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